Apps for computer, WeChat for PC
Install WeChat for PC
Spotbros and Cryptocat are two of the applications that promise their users total security in your system of sending instant messaging. This is a reality, but the truth is that Spotbros and Cryptocat does not have a large number of users and are far from competing with WhatsApp and company. Users are demanding, but WhatsApp is the app that most users have in spite of all the security problems that the same company has recognized.
What and who cares about the security at the talks? The truth is that it appears that very few users, the majority by not knowing anything about the problems of security and many more users because just doesn't matter to them. A large number of users just want a service to send and share messages, images and videos, little relevant information and important only for the immediate environment.
The best advice is not to send critical private data such as account numbers, passwords and secret numbers. If we follow these tips, we can only enjoy WeChat for PC or of other chat apps.
The more secure applications

The security of the messaging applications has been and is the subject of conversation in the network. WhatsApp is the first messaging application that has managed to register more than 400 million users in just 3 years of operation. It is the messaging application that more security holes has had to date and has received thousands of criticism by your security system does not exist. Line, Viber, Tango and WeChat have exploited this vulnerability to promote their apps. Have presumed to have more secure applications and in the case of WeChat is largely true. But the reality is that very few of them can ensure a impenetrable level of security.